Monitoring Related to Change of Control, Structure or Organization

Policy Number: INST.G.20.030

Evaluation After the Change of Control. If the HLC’s Board of Trustees (“the Board” or “HLC’s Board”) votes to approve a Change of Control application with or without conditions, thereby authorizing the continuation of accreditation for the institution subsequent to consummation of the Change of Control, HLC will conduct an evaluation of the institution no later than six months after such consummation. A previously scheduled focused or comprehensive evaluation may fulfill this task provided that it is scheduled, or can be rescheduled, to be within the six-month timeframe.

The visit within six months after the consummation of the change will be conducted according to HLC’s procedure for focused or comprehensive evaluations, as applicable. The evaluation will review the appropriateness of the approval of the Change of Control as well as whether the institution fulfilled any commitments made to HLC prior to that approval. The evaluation team will also document that the institution continues to meet the Criteria for Accreditation or other requirements specifically articulated by the Board.

The team may recommend further HLC monitoring, rescheduling of the next comprehensive evaluation, or HLC sanctions or withdrawal of accreditation. If the team determines that the institution is out of compliance with the Criteria for Accreditation, the team must recommend a sanction or withdrawal, as applicable under these policies. Recommendations for sanction or withdrawal will be reviewed by an Institutional Actions Council Hearing Committee and decided by HLC’s Board in keeping with HLC policy.

Comprehensive Evaluation After the Change of Control. The next comprehensive evaluation shall take place no later than five years following the consummation of the Change of Control, Structure or Organization.

Policy History

Last Revised: June 2023
First Adopted: June 2009
Revision History: February 2010, February 2012, June 2012, November 2019, June 2020, November 2020, June 2023
Notes: Policies combined November 2012 – 3.3(d)2, 3.3(d)3, 3.3(g). In February 2021, references to the Higher Learning Commission as “the Commission” were replaced with the term “HLC.” Policy renumbered in June 2023 (former policy number INST.F.20.080).