Standard and Open Pathways
The Standard and Open Pathways are the cornerstones of HLC accreditation. The Pathways are 10-year cycles in which our members affirm the quality of their offerings and demonstrate their continuous improvement. Each Pathway provides the custom support our members need to fulfill their unique missions.
The Accreditation Relationship
The Pathways are a key element of HLC’s relationship with our members, but we interact with institutions in many other ways. Learn more about the accreditation relationship.
Standard Pathway
The Standard Pathway offers additional support for institutions, including those that are new to HLC or undergoing significant changes. This pathway involves comprehensive evaluations in Years 4 and 10 of the 10-year cycle.
Pathway Reviews
Year 4: Mid-cycle Comprehensive Evaluation
What to expect: Institutions are evaluated based on HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation and other requirements. Peer reviewers review materials, visit campus and consider feedback from students and community members.
Comprehensive Evaluation Process
Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation of Accreditation
What to expect: At the end of the Year 10 evaluation process, HLC determines whether the institution’s accreditation should be reaffirmed. The Year 10 comprehensive evaluation follows the same process as the mid-cycle evaluation, with an additional review of the institution’s compliance with certain federal regulations.
Comprehensive Evaluation Process
Pathway Expenses
HLC’s annual dues distribute the cost of maintaining accreditation evenly over each pathway cycle. Therefore, institutions do not pay a base fee for Standard Pathway comprehensive evaluations. Institutions will still be billed for expenses related to the peer review team’s on-site visit during the evaluations. Such expenses typically include travel, honoraria and facility expenses. If a multi-campus visit is required as part of the comprehensive evaluation, a visit fee will apply.
10–Year Standard Pathway Cycle
HLC member institutions: Your CEO and Accreditation Liaison Officer can find your institution’s Pathway and cycle year in Canopy.

Prepare Assurance Filing
Collect evidence and write Assurance Argument for the mid-cycle comprehensive evaluation in Year 4. Will gain access to Assurance Filing in Canopy in Year 2.

Mid-cycle Comprehensive Evaluation
Submit comprehensive evaluation materials.
Peer Review
Conduct comprehensive evaluation (with visit).
HLC Decision Making
Take action on comprehensive evaluation.

Prepare Assurance Filing
Collect evidence and write Assurance Argument for the comprehensive evaluation in Year 10. Will gain access to the Assurance Filing in Canopy in Year 8.

Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation
Submit comprehensive evaluation materials.
Peer Review
Conduct comprehensive evaluation (with visit).
HLC Decision Making
Take action on comprehensive evaluation, Reaffirmation of Accreditation and determine pathway eligibility.
Open Pathway
The Open Pathway is designed primarily for institutions that have completed at least one pathway cycle and are otherwise eligible to choose their pathway. The Open Pathway supports the pursuit of innovative or strategic improvement projects, known as Quality Initiatives.
Institutions on the Open Pathway typically undergo a virtual Assurance Review in Year 4. Beginning in September 2025, certain eligible institutions may opt to complete a Quality Initiative project focused on student success during Years 1–4 in lieu of this review. All institutions on the Open Pathway complete a Quality Initiative on a topic of their choice during Years 5–9 and undergo a comprehensive evaluation in Year 10.
Pathway Reviews
Years 1–4: Assurance Review or Student Success Quality Initiative
In February 2025, HLC’s Board of Trustees adopted policy changes that establish an option for eligible institutions on the Open Pathway to choose to complete a Quality Initiative focused on student success — called a Student Success Quality Initiative — during Years 1–4 of the accreditation cycle in lieu of the mid-cycle Assurance Review in Year 4. Institutions that are not eligible for the Student Success Quality Initiative will be required to complete the mid-cycle Assurance Review. The policy changes go into effect on September 1, 2025.
Assurance Review
What to expect: In Year 4, peer reviewers evaluate the institution based on HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation and other requirements. The review typically occurs virtually, without a visit to campus.
Student Success Quality Initiative
What to expect: Starting September 2025, eligible institutions may opt to complete a project focused on student success during Years 1-4 of their accreditation cycle in lieu of completing an Assurance Review in Year 4. Institutions submit a project proposal in Year 1 and then report the outcomes in Year 4.
See the adopted policy changes for information on how an institution would become eligible for the Student Success Quality Initiative. Full details about this option will be published this summer.
Years 5–9: Open Quality Initiative
What to expect: All institutions are required to design and implement a project to improve an aspect of their organization, or to pursue a strategic initiative. Institutions submit a project proposal between Years 5 and 7, and then report on the outcomes between Years 7 and 9. Peer reviewers evaluate the project proposal and outcomes report. The topic is of the institution’s own choosing, thus it is “open.” Peer reviewers evaluate the project proposal and outcomes report, unless an institution chooses to participate in an HLC Academy for its Open Quality Initiative. In those cases, the institution’s Academy application takes the place of its proposal and the institution’s report is reviewed through a different process.
Year 10: Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation of Accreditation
What to expect: At the end of the Year 10 evaluation process, HLC determines whether the institution’s accreditation should be reaffirmed. Institutions are evaluated based on HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation and other requirements. Peer reviewers review materials, visit campus and consider feedback from students and community members. The team also reviews the institution’s compliance with certain federal requirements.
Comprehensive Evaluation Process
Pathway Expenses
HLC’s annual dues distribute the cost of maintaining accreditation evenly over each Pathway cycle. Therefore, institutions do not pay base fees for Assurance Reviews, Quality Initiative Proposals and Reports, and comprehensive evaluations. Institutions will still be billed for the Year 4 Assurance Team’s honoraria, if applicable, and for expenses related to peer review team visits required as part of the comprehensive evaluation. Team expenses for comprehensive evaluations typically include travel, honoraria and facility expenses. If a multi-campus visit is required as part of the comprehensive evaluation, a visit fee will apply.
10–Year Open Pathway Cycle
Effective September 1, 2025
HLC member institutions: Your CEO and Accreditation Liaison Officer can find your institution’s Pathway and cycle year in Canopy.
For Institutions Completing a Mid-cycle Assurance Review

Prepare Assurance Filing
Collect evidence and write Assurance Argument for mid-cycle Assurance Review. Will gain access to Assurance Filing in Canopy in Year 2.

Assurance Review
Submit Assurance Filing (Assurance Argument and Evidence File).
Peer Review
Conduct Assurance Review (typically no visit).
HLC Decision Making
Acceptance of or action on Assurance Review.
For Institutions Completing a Student Success Quality Initiative

Student Success Quality Initiative Proposal
Submit Student Success Quality Initiative Proposal and begin implementation.
Peer Review
Review Student Success Quality Initiative Proposal.

Student Success Quality Initiative Report
Submit Student Success Quality Initiative Report.
Peer Review
Review Student Success Quality Initiative Report.
For All Open Pathway Institutions

Open Quality Initiative Proposal
Submit Open Quality Initiative Proposal and begin implementation. May also begin preparing Assurance Filing for Year 10 comprehensive evaluation (will gain access to Assurance Filing in Canopy in Year 8).
Peer Review
Review Open Quality Initiative Proposal.

Open Quality Initiative Report
Submit Open Quality Initiative Report. May also continue preparing Assuring Filing for Year 10 comprehensive evaluation (will gain access to Assurance Filing in Canopy in Year 8).
Peer Review
Review Open Quality Initiative Report.

Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation
Submit comprehensive evaluation materials.
Peer Review
Conduct comprehensive evaluation (with visit).
HLC Decision Making
Take action on comprehensive evaluation, Reaffirmation of Accreditation and determine pathway eligibility.
Choosing a Pathway
An institution’s Pathway is typically determined at the conclusion of its current Pathway cycle, after reaffirmation of accreditation in Year 10. Institutions may choose their preferred Pathway at that time, unless they meet one of the conditions that requires placement on the Standard Pathway. An institution on the Open Pathway may be placed on the Standard Pathway at any point during its pathway cycle if any of the conditions listed below occur.
Conditions for Placement on the Standard Pathway
Notice, Probation or Show-Cause Order
- The institution is currently on Notice with HLC.
- The institution has been on Probation or under a Show-Cause Order with HLC within the last five years. (Note: Institutions that are on Probation or under a Show-Cause Order are not considered to be on a pathway.)
- The institution has been assigned a focused visit or extensive other monitoring.
- The institution has a history of extensive HLC monitoring, including accreditation cycles shortened to seven or fewer years, multiple monitoring reports, and multiple focused visits extending across more than one accrediting cycle.
Substantive Change
- The institution is in the process of a Change of Control, Structure or Organization or has undergone a Change of Control, Structure or Organization within the last two years.
- The institution is undergoing dynamic change (e.g., significant changes in enrollment or student body, opening or closing of multiple locations or campuses) or requiring frequent substantive change approvals since its last comprehensive evaluation.
Other Concerns
- HLC has significant concerns about circumstances or developments at the institution (e.g., ongoing leadership turnover, extensive review by a governmental agency, patterns identified in financial and non-financial indicators).
- The institution has failed to make a serious effort to conduct its Quality Initiative in the Open Pathway.
Pathway Resources
Education and Training
- Upcoming events and recorded content
- Providing Evidence for the Criteria
- Sample Assurance Arguments
- Accreditation Procedure Resources for Institutions
- Assurance Review
- Comprehensive Evaluation
- Quality Initiative (Open Pathway)
Assurance System
- Criteria for Accreditation (CRRT.B.10.010)
- Evaluative Framework for the HLC Criteria (INST.A.10.020)
- Pathways and Related Process Requirements (INST.C.10.005)
- Substantive Requirements for Reaffirmation of Accreditation (INST.C.10.010)
- Process Requirements Leading to HLC Action Following Reviews of the Criteria for Accreditation (INST.C.10.030)
- Evaluative Activities Applicable to All Institutions (INST.C.20.010)

Related Resources