Pathways and Related Process Requirements

Policy Number: INST.C.10.005

Pathways Overview

HLC offers multiple accreditation pathways, each of which is defined by a distinct schedule and series of evaluative activities for its institutions. Nevertheless, all pathways are framed around the Criteria for Accreditation as their evaluative basis. HLC may design and approve additional pathways at any time with advance notice to its membership of any associated entrance requirements. Each pathway shall allowparticipating institutions to fulfill the procedural requirements necessary to maintain accreditation.

Candidate institutions and accredited institutions that are on probation, under a Show-Cause Order, or pending withdrawal action shall not participate in any pathway while in such status and shall instead participate in evaluation activities specifically outlined in HLC policy applicable to such status.

Considerations in Determining Initial Pathway Assignments and Subsequent Changes

HLC shall weigh multiple considerations in determining an initial pathway assignment appropriate for each institution in relation to the history of the institution’s accreditation relationship with HLC. These discretionary considerations include the length and record of the institution’s accreditation relationship with HLC, which could include interim monitoring, frequency of substantive change and change of control requests, sanctions, Show-Cause Orders, adverse actions, and any other information HLC deems relevant.

Moreover, HLC may exercise discretion in determining an appropriate pathway for institutions based on the distinct needs and contributions of various institutional missions, models and approaches within higher education.

The HLC Board of Trustees or the Institutional Actions Council may at its discretion move an institution from any pathway to the Standard Pathway at any time during its accreditation cycle if: (1) the institution fails to fulfill the requirements of its pathway, (2) serious concerns arise about the institution’s capacity to continue to meet the Criteria for Accreditation or the Federal Compliance Requirements, or Assumed Practices or (3) the institution needs to be monitored more closely through the processes of the Standard Pathway for any reason, including but not limited to a recent Change of Control, Structure or Organization.

Due Process Requirements Related to Pathway Assignments

A decision renewing an institution’s assignment to a pathway or determining an institution’s eligibility for a different pathway shall always take place at reaffirmation of accreditation and may not take place at other times unless otherwise permitted by these policies. All pathway determinations shall be made by formal decision of the Board of Trustees or Institutional Actions Council as applicable and shall be subject to all HLC requirements related to the pathway as well as to HLC’s decision-making process. Such decisions shall indicate the academic year of the next comprehensive evaluation for reaffirmation of accreditation in the institution’s accreditation cycle for that pathway.

An institution shall receive notice of any recommendation for pathway assignment or change prior to the formal decision placing it on a such pathway. Except for pathways assignments or changes made at the discretion of the Board of Trustees, the institution shall have an opportunity to respond to such recommendations prior to the decision being made. After a pathway assignment has been made, it is not subject to additional review or change except at the discretion of HLC.

Standard Pathway

All institutions on the Standard Pathway shall participate in a ten-year accreditation cycle. A Standard Pathway institution shall undergo a comprehensive evaluation in years four and ten of each accreditation cycle. Such an institution shall have its accreditation reaffirmed once during each accreditation cycle, concurrent with its comprehensive evaluation in year ten, unless it received initial accreditation, was removed from Probation, or was removed from Show-Cause after its most recent comprehensive evaluation.

An institution placed on the Standard Pathway as a result of being granted initial accreditation shall have its accreditation reaffirmed twice during its initial ten-year accreditation cycle, concurrent with its comprehensive evaluations in years four and ten. An institution that gained its accreditation through the accelerated initial accreditation process may choose a different pathway following its reaffirmation of accreditation in year four of its initial ten-year accreditation cycle. 

An institution placed on the Standard Pathway after being removed from Probation or Show-Cause shall have its accreditation reaffirmed twice during its subsequent accreditation cycle, concurrent with comprehensive evaluations in years four and ten. 

Subsequent to reaffirmation in year ten, an HLC decision-making body will either renew the institution’s assignment to the Standard Pathway, declare it eligible to choose another Pathway or, in the case of an institution placed on Probation or subject to a Show-Cause Order, remove such institution from its pathway.

Any institution on the Standard Pathway that is declared eligible to choose another Pathway may select that pathway subsequent to reaffirmation provided it files a letter of acceptance within a limited timeframe as required by the requirements of the pathway being sought. Such institution may also choose to remain on the Standard Pathway.

Process Requirements Specific to the Standard Pathway

An institution on the Standard Pathway shall demonstrate institutional improvement through an approach integrated with and focused on the Criteria for Accreditation. In addition, an institution on the Standard Pathway shall demonstrate that it has taken specific steps to make reasonable progress in resolving any concerns resulting from the previous comprehensive evaluation or raised by HLC during the period between evaluations.

Open Pathway

All institutions on the Open Pathway shall participate in a ten-year accreditation cycle. An institution on the Open Pathway shall undergo a virtual Assurance Review in year four and an on-site comprehensive evaluation in year ten of each accreditation cycle. Such an institution shall have its accreditation reaffirmed once every ten years, concurrent with its comprehensive evaluation in year ten.

Reaffirmation shall be contingent on the institution having undergone an Assurance Review in year four of the accreditation cycle and a comprehensive evaluation in year ten of the cycle through processes that assure the higher education community and the public that the institution remains accredited and exhibits significant momentum and focus on continuing improvement through the completion of a Quality Initiative.

At reaffirmation, HLC will determine whether to renew the institution’s eligibility to choose its pathway.

Process Requirements Specific to the Open Pathway

Quality Initiative Proposal. After year four and prior to year ten of its accreditation cycle, an institution on the Open Pathway shall conduct a Quality Initiative through which it demonstrates an ongoing commitment to improving its quality. The institution shall submit a Quality Initiative Proposal that shall be reviewed and approved by a panel of HLC peer reviewers.

Quality Initiative Report. The institution shall submit a Quality Initiative Report explaining the results of the initiative and shall, no later than the end of year nine of its accreditation cycle, submit the Report to HLC for review. A panel of peer reviewers shall review the Report. The panel shall determine whether the institution has met certain expectations for the Quality Initiative and provide a recommendation.

The panel’s determination will be sent with the written report resulting from the comprehensive evaluation for reaffirmation of accreditation to the appropriate decision-making body.

Policy History

Last Revised: February 2022
First Adopted: June 2012
Revision History: November 2012, June 2014, November 2018, February 2022
Notes: Policies combined in November 2012 – 1A.2.1, 1A.2.2, 1A.2.3, 1A.2.4, 1A.2.5. In February 2021, references to the Higher Learning Commission as “the Commission” were replaced with the term “HLC.” Policy renumbered in February 2022 (former policy number INST.C.10.020).