Serving you, your students and your community. 

HLC Initiatives

Student Success Outcomes

In recent years, HLC has engaged in a series of research projects focused on defining and advancing student success. The results of these projects enhance HLC’s capacity to monitor and review institutional performance relative to student outcomes.

Leadership and Advocacy

HLC is committed to representing its member institutions with a commitment to thought leadership. This commitment extends to providing input on all relevant legislative-, executive-, and judicial-branch issues as they pertain to HLC, accreditation and higher education.


HLC’s focus on innovation strives to conceptualized 21st-century accrediting practices that assure quality in higher education and ultimately better benefit students in today’s world.

Past Initiatives

Building on what we have learned, HLC recent past initiatives provide a solid foundation for the work that is ongoing.

HLC's Partners for Transformation panel

Partners for Transformation

From 2017-19, HLC’s Partners for Transformation was a blue-ribbon panel tasked with offering innovative ideas on accreditation of colleges and universities. 

A crowd of people standing in the shape of an arrow pointing up and to the right

Accreditation and the Credential Landscape

From 2020-22, HLC convened a roundtable of corporate leaders to gain insight into employer interest and attitudes related to higher education credentials.

A person standing and speaking in front of a white board with data on it

Data and Student Success

Over the years, HLC has engaged in a series of projects focused on the data used to define student success, seeking the best way to evaluate data in the context of the individual institution’s mission.