Institutional Update

Member institutions provide data on their operations and educational offerings in the annual Institutional Update. HLC uses the data to assess institutional health and identify trends.

What to Know for 2024

Reporting Period: February 26–April 5

The 2024 Institutional Update is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Resources for Institutions

How to Prepare for the Institutional Update

  • Ensure that HLC has the correct contact information for the roles responsible for the Institutional Update. The Chief Executive Officer, Accreditation Liaison Officer or Data Update Coordinator may submit changes to these roles through the Contact Update in Canopy.
  • Refer to the 2024 Institutional Update Guide to prepare the required information.

New in 2024

Mark of Accreditation Status Webpage

In the Non-financial Form, institutions will be asked to provide a link to the page on their website where they display HLC’s Mark of Accreditation Status.

Student Achievement Data

In the Non-financial Form, institutions are asked to provide a link to student achievement data on their website. This requirement isn’t changing, but later this year HLC will publish the provided link on each institution’s Statement of Accreditation Status in our Directory of Institutions. We will also publish links to each institution’s profile in the College Scorecard and College Navigator.

This change is meant to increase transparency with students and other stakeholders. It is part of the first phase of our Evaluating Student Success Outcomes initiative, which aims to improve HLC’s ability to track student success outcomes and better support institutions in knowing their students.

How HLC Uses Institutional Update Data

Looking Ahead

HLC is exploring the feasibility of collecting information regarding institutional program offerings and publishing them in the Institutional Status and Requirements (ISR) Report. More information about this project will be available in the coming years.


About the Institutional Update: [email protected]

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