Substantive Change: Changes to Existing Programs

Prior HLC approval may be required for substantive changes to existing educational programs. This includes changes related to clock hours, credit hours, program content, customized pathways, method of delivery, length of term affecting allocation of credit, or the cancellation or suspension of a program.

Screening Form

Complete HLC’s Screening Form for Changes to Existing Programs if your institution is making changes to an existing program related to:

  • Program content
  • Method of delivery
  • The number of clock or credit hours required for program completion
  • Developing customized pathways or abbreviated or modified courses or programs

Note: Institutions that are currently on or recently removed from HLC sanction or Show-Cause Order, or that are under provisional certification, are subject to additional requirements and should complete this alternative screening form.

Types of Requests

The following information is provided for general guidance. Institutions planning a change to an existing program should contact their HLC staff liaison to confirm that prior HLC approval or notification is required.

Clock or Credit Hours

Prior HLC Approval Required

The following requirements apply when an institution converts 10% or more of the clock hours awarded for completion of a program to credit hours.

How to Apply

Submit the Clock/Credit Hour Application.

Review Process

Desk Review

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

Approximately three months from submission of complete application

Prior HLC Approval Required

The following requirements apply when an institution converts 10% or more of the credit hours awarded for completion of a program to clock hours.

How to Apply

Submit the Clock/Credit Hour Application.

Review Process

Desk Review

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

Approximately three months from submission of complete application

Prior HLC Approval Required

The following requirements apply when an institution increases or decreases the total number of clock or credit hours required for successful completion of a degree program by 25% or more since its most recent HLC accreditation review (comprehensive evaluation or Assurance Review).

How to Apply

Submit the Clock/Credit Hour Application.

Review Process

Desk Review

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

Approximately three months from submission of complete application

HLC Notification Required*

The following requirements apply when an institution increases or decreases the total number of clock or credit hours required for successful completion of a certificate program by 25–50% since its most recent HLC accreditation review (comprehensive evaluation or Assurance Review).

How to Notify HLC

Complete the Screening Form for Changes to Existing Educational Programs.

* Prior HLC approval is required if the institution is in any of the categories listed below. These institutions should complete this alternative screening form, and HLC will provide further instructions.

  • The institution is currently on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020);
  • In the prior three years, the institution has been on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020); or
  • The institution is currently under a provisional certification status with the U.S. Department of Education, and that status was assigned on or after July 1, 2020.

Prior HLC Approval Required

The following requirements apply when an institution increases or decreases the total number of clock or credit hours required for successful completion of a certificate program by more than 50% since its most recent HLC accreditation review (comprehensive evaluation or Assurance Review).

How to Apply

Submit the Clock/Credit Hour Application.

Review Process

Desk Review

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

Approximately three months from submission of complete application

Program Content

According to the U.S. Department of Education, program content changes include changes to a program’s curriculum (measured by clock or credit hours), learning objectives, competencies, or required clinical experiences. This would include changes in the general education courses required for program completion and not merely the courses within the discipline, program or major.

HLC Notification Required*

The following requirements apply when an institution makes an aggregate change of 25% or more to the content of a program since its most recent HLC accreditation review (comprehensive evaluation or Assurance Review).

How to Notify HLC

Complete the Screening Form for Changes to Existing Educational Programs.

* Prior HLC approval is required if the institution is in any of the categories listed below. These institutions should complete this alternative screening form, and HLC will provide further instructions.

  • The institution is currently on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020);
  • In the prior three years, the institution has been on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020); or
  • The institution is currently under a provisional certification status with the U.S. Department of Education, and that status was assigned on or after July 1, 2020.

Program Concentration or Specialization

A program concentration (or specialization, track or emphasis) involves less than half of the total hours in the program of which it is a part, with the remaining hours taken in common by all students in the program.

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison

A concentration or specialization may be considered a significant departure from the original program approval based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, whether the institution plans to hire additional faculty with new expertise or to acquire specialized accreditation.

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison to discuss the proposed program and determine whether prior HLC approval is required. An institution’s staff liaison is identified in its Institutional Status and Requirements Report.

If Prior Approval Is Required

Submit the New Academic Program Application. Based on the type and complexity of the request, HLC will determine the appropriate process for review.

Prior HLC Approval Required

How to Apply

Submit the CBE Program Application.

Review Process

Change Panel

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

At least five months from the submission of a complete application. Due to the nature of HLC’s review of CBE program applications, the process may take longer than other types of requests.

Check the institution’s stipulation for credit-based CBE programs in its Institutional Status and Requirements Report.

  • If the institution’s stipulation is “Approved for credit-based competency-based education,” notification is required. Complete the Screening Form for Changes to Existing Educational Programs.
  • If the institution’s stipulation is not “Approved for credit-based competency-based education,” prior HLC approval is required. Submit the CBE Program Application.
    • The application will be reviewed through a Change Panel, and the review and decision-making process may take at least five months from the submission of a complete application. Due to the nature of HLC’s review of CBE program applications, the process may take longer than other types of requests.

Customized Pathways or Modified or Abbreviated Courses or Programs

The following requirements apply to the development of customized pathways or abbreviated or modified courses or programs to accommodate a student’s existing knowledge (such as from employment or military service) and to close competency gaps between demonstrated prior knowledge and the full requirements of a particular course or program.

Contact HLC*

Complete the Screening Form for Changes to Existing Educational Programs. HLC staff will review the information provided and notify the institution as to whether prior HLC approval of the proposed change is required.

* Prior HLC approval is required if the institution is in any of the categories listed below. These institutions should complete this alternative screening form, and HLC will provide further instructions.

  • The institution is currently on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020);
  • In the prior three years, the institution has been on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020); or
  • The institution is currently under a provisional certification status with the U.S. Department of Education, and that status was assigned on or after July 1, 2020.

Method of Delivery

Contact HLC*

Complete the Screening Form for Changes to Existing Educational Programs. HLC staff will review the information provided and notify the institution as to whether prior HLC approval of the proposed change is required.

* Prior HLC approval is required if the institution is in any of the categories listed below. These institutions should complete this alternative screening form, and HLC will provide further instructions.

  • The institution is currently on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020);
  • In the prior three years, the institution has been on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020); or
  • The institution is currently under a provisional certification status with the U.S. Department of Education, and that status was assigned on or after July 1, 2020.

Prior HLC Approval Required

How to Apply

Submit the CBE Program Application.

Review Process

Change Panel

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

At least five months from the submission of a complete application. Due to the nature of HLC’s review of CBE program applications, the process may take longer than other types of requests.

Contact HLC*

Complete the Screening Form for Changes to Existing Educational Programs. HLC staff will review the information provided and notify the institution as to whether prior HLC approval of the proposed change is required.

If prior approval is required, the institution should submit the CBE Program Application . The application will be reviewed through a Change Panel, and the review and decision-making process may take at least five months from the submission of a complete application. Due to the nature of HLC’s review of CBE program applications, the process may take longer than other types of requests.

* Prior HLC approval is required if the institution is in any of the categories listed below. These institutions should complete this alternative screening form, and HLC will provide further instructions.

  • The institution is currently on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020);
  • In the prior three years, the institution has been on Notice, Probation or under a Show-Cause Order (placed on the sanction or Show-Cause Order after July 1, 2020); or
  • The institution is currently under a provisional certification status with the U.S. Department of Education, and that status was assigned on or after July 1, 2020.

Length of Term

Prior HLC Approval Required

The following requirements apply when an institution changes its term length (e.g., semesters to quarters or semesters to a five-week compressed term) in a way that affects 25% or more of all the institution’s courses or programs.

How to Apply

Submit the Length of Term Affecting Allocation of Credit Application.

Review Process

Desk Review

Review and Decision-Making Timeline

Approximately three months from submission of complete application

Closure or Suspension

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison

Contact the institution’s HLC staff liaison to discuss the program that will be closed or suspended in order to determine whether prior HLC approval or notification is required. An institution’s staff liaison is identified in its Institutional Status and Requirements Report.

Prior approval may be required if HLC determines that students are unable to finish the program at the institution.

If Prior Approval Is Required

See Substantive Change: Teach-Out Arrangements for further instructions.

If Notification Is Required

Contacting the HLC staff liaison constitutes notification.