Dues and Fees Schedule

Fiscal Year 2024–25

Member Dues Formula

Dues schedule effective July 1, 2024. Invoices sent to institutions July 1, 2024.

Base Dues


HLC’s annual dues are set to distribute the cost of maintaining accreditation evenly over each Pathway for Reaffirmation of Accreditation cycle. In this system, no base fees are assessed for Standard and Open Pathway evaluations.

FTE Dues

$0.70 x ([number of full-time students] + [1/3 the number of part-time students])

The number of full- and part-time students at all institutions is determined using IPEDS definitions based on the most recent fall data.

Off-Campus Activity Dues

$105 x ([number of additional locations] + [number of branch campuses x 10])

The number of additional locations includes degree completion locations, and the number of branch campuses does not include the main campus. However, for multi-campus institutions with no main campus, all campuses are included in the calculation. Definitions for branch campuses and additional locations are available in HLC’s Glossary.

Fees Schedule

Effective September 1, 2024.

HLC typically charges institutions a base fee for evaluations and other processes. If an evaluation includes a visit, HLC will also charge for expenses incurred by peer reviewers who conduct the visit. Expenses include honoraria, travel, lodging and meals.

Standard and Open Pathways

Assurance Review
Team honoraria (base evaluation fee included in dues)
Comprehensive Evaluation
Team expenses (base evaluation fee included in dues)
Multi-campus Visit (if applicable1)
$775 per campus + expenses
Quality Initiative Proposal
Included in dues
Quality Initiative Report
Included in dues

1 Multi-campus visits are conducted as part of comprehensive evaluations for reaffirmation for institutions with 1+ branch campuses.

Substantive Change, Including Change of Control

Additional Location Confirmation Visit
$775 + expenses
Campus Evaluation Visit
$3,925 + expenses
Change Panel
Change Visit
$3,925 + expenses
Desk Review2
Embedded Change Request

2 For the following types of changes, institutions can submit multiple requests at the same time for a single fee:

  • Certificate programs: HLC will charge a single desk review fee for every 10 applications submitted at the same time.
  • Additional locations: Institutions in the Notification Program for Additional Locations will be charged a single desk review fee for every 10 applications submitted at the same time. Institutions that are not in the Notification Program can include up to three additional locations in a single substantive change application.

Change of Control, Structure and Organization

Initial Interaction
Change of Control Panel
$7,500 (no additional fees)
Change of Control Visit
$7,900 + expenses
Standard Review3
$11,250 + (legal and consultancy expenses + 15%)
Complex Review3
$20,500 + (legal and consultancy expenses + 15%)

3 Fees applied in addition to the Initial Interaction for Change of Control, Structure or Organization and HLC determination of type of review required.

Multi-location Visit

Multi-location Visit
$775 per additional location + expenses


Advisory Visit
$3,925 + expenses
Financial Panel Report
Focused Visit
$3,925 + expenses
Interim Report
Non-financial Panel Report

Sanctions and Show-Cause Orders

Comprehensive Evaluation for Probation
$7,900 + expenses
Comprehensive Evaluation for Show Cause
$7,900 + expenses
Notice Report
Notice Visit
$7,900 + expenses

Seeking Accreditation

Eligibility Process

Application Fee
Eligibility Interview
Letter of Intent to Submit Eligibility Filing
Eligibility Filing
Filing: $6,700
Filing Revision: $1,150


Letter of Intent to Pursue Candidacy
Comprehensive Evaluation for Candidacy
$7,900 + expenses
Biennial Evaluation
$3,925 + expenses
Comprehensive Evaluation for Initial Accreditation
$7,900 + expenses

Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation

Application Fee
Preliminary Peer Review
Comprehensive Evaluation for Initial Accreditation
$7,900 + expenses4

4 The application fee for the Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation will be credited against the comprehensive evaluation for initial accreditation, bringing the cost of the evaluation to $2,900 + expenses.

Hearings and Appeals

Appeal Panel Hearing
$6,200 + expenses + (legal and consultancy expenses + 15%)
Requires a $40,000 deposit
Arbitration Hearing
$6,200 + expenses + (legal and consultancy expenses + 15%)
Requires a $40,000 deposit
Board Committee Hearing
$6,200 + expenses + (legal and consultancy expenses + 15%)
Requires a $20,000 deposit
Institutional Actions Council Hearing
In-person hearing: $6,200
Virtual hearing: $5,000

Other Visits and Fees

HLC Staff Campus Visit
$775 + expenses
Pre-visit by Team Chair
$775 per location + expenses
Late Payment Fee on Past-Due Balances
10% of total past-due amount at 90+ days
Other Legal and Consultancy Costs Related to Accreditation Activity and Legal Inquiries
Actual expenses + 15%