Your mission guides our approach.

HLC Requirements and Policies

We partner with member institutions and other stakeholders to define policies for quality higher education. Institutions are committed to meeting HLC’s accreditation policies, including our foundational requirements: Eligibility Requirements, Criteria for Accreditation, Assumed Practices, Obligations of Membership, and Federal Compliance Requirements.

Foundational Requirements

Eligibility Requirements

The Eligibility Requirements describe the legal, operational and financial requirements an institution must meet to be eligible for HLC membership.

Criteria for Accreditation

The Criteria for Accreditation are HLC’s standards of quality.

Assumed Practices

Foundational to the Criteria for Accreditation is a set of Assumed Practices that are not expected to vary by mission or context.

Obligations of Membership

The Obligations of Membership describe HLC’s expectations for institution regarding their commitment to HLC membership and the accreditation relationship.

Federal Compliance Requirements

As a federally recognized accreditor, HLC is responsible for verifying that member institutions comply with certain federal regulations. See “Compliance With Federal Regulation” below for our set of policies related to Federal Compliance.

Accreditation Policies

Chapter A:  Eligibility Requirements

Part 10: General

Eligibility Requirements—Number: CRRT.A.10.010

Chapter B: Criteria for Accreditation

Part 10: General

Criteria for Accreditation—Number: CRRT.B.10.010

Chapter C: Assumed Practices

Part 10: General

Assumed Practices—Number: CRRT.C.10.010

Chapter D: Obligations of Membership

Part 10: General

Obligations of Membership—Number: CRRT.D.10.010

Chapter A: Federal Compliance

Part 10: General

Federal Compliance Requirements—Number: FDCR.A.10.010

Assignment of Credits, Program Length, and Tuition—Number: FDCR.A.10.020

Institutional Records of Student Complaints—Number: FDCR.A.10.030

Publication of Transfer Policies—Number: FDCR.A.10.040

Institutional Practices for Verification of Student Identity and Protection of Student Privacy—Number: FDCR.A.10.050

Title IV Program Responsibilities—Number: FDCR.A.10.060

Public Information—Number: FDCR.A.10.070

Review of Student Outcome Data—FDCR.A.10.080

Standing With State and Other Accreditors—Number: FDCR.A.10.090

Part 20: Fraud and Abuse

Fraud and Abuse—Number: FDCR.A.20.010

Recruiting, Admissions and Related Enrollment Practices—Number: FDCR.A.20.020

Chapter B: Teach Out

Part 10: General

HLC Approval of Institutional Teach-Out Arrangements—Number: FDCR.B.10.010

Chapter A: Implementation of HLC Criteria for Accreditation

Part 10: General

Evaluative Framework for the HLC Criteria—Number: INST.A.10.020

Chapter B: Requirements for Achieving and Maintaining Membership

Part 10: General

Jurisdiction—Number: INST.B.10.010

Components of Accredited or Candidate Institutions—Number: INST.B.10.020

Related Entities—Number: INST.B.10.030

Part 20: Becoming and Defining a Member Institution

Eligibility Process—Number: INST.B.20.010

Candidacy and Initial Accreditation—Number: INST.B.20.020

Accelerated Process for Initial Accreditation—Number: INST.B.20.032

Part 30: Voluntary Resignation of Accreditation or Candidacy

Voluntary Resignation of Accreditation or Candidacy—Number: INST.B.30.010

Part 40: Dues and Fees

Dues and Fees—Number: INST.B.40.010

Chapter C: Process for Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Part 10: Requirements for Reaffirmation of Accreditation

Pathways and Related Process Requirements—Number: INST.C.10.005

Substantive Requirements for Reaffirmation of Accreditation—Number: INST.C.10.010

Process Requirements Leading to HLC Action Following Reviews of the Criteria for Accreditation—Number: INST.C.10.030

Evaluative Activities Applicable to All Institutions—Number: INST.C.10.040

Chapter D: Decision-Making Bodies and Processes

Part 10: Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees—Number: INST.D.10.010

Part 20: Institutional Actions Council

Institutional Actions Council—Number: INST.D.20.010

Institutional Actions Council Processes—Number: INST.D.20.020

Part 30: Effective Date of Accreditation Actions

Effective Date of Accreditation Actions—Number: INST.D.30.010

Chapter E: Sanctions, Adverse Actions, and Appeals

Part 10: Notice

Notice—Number: INST.E.10.010

Part 20: Probation

Probation—Number: INST.E.20.010

Part 30: Show-Cause

Show-Cause (Procedural Order)—Number: INST.E.30.010

Part 60: Denial or Withdrawal of Status

Denial or Withdrawal of Status—Number: INST.E.60.010

Part 70: Additional Board Procedures

Additional Board Procedures—Number: INST.E.70.010

Part 80: Reapplication Following a Denial or Withdrawal of Status

Reapplication Following a Denial or Withdrawal of Status—Number: INST.E.80.010

Part 90: Appeals

Appeals—Number: INST.E.90.010

Chapter F: Monitoring

Part 10: Routine Monitoring

Routine Monitoring and Data Collection—Number: INST.F.10.010

Part 20: Special Monitoring

Special Monitoring—Number: INST.F.20.010

Chapter G: Substantive Change, Including Change of Control

Part 10: General

Substantive Change—Number: INST.G.10.010

Review of Substantive Change—Number: INST.G.10.020

Monitoring of Substantive Change—Number: INST.G.10.030

Part 20: Change of Control, Structure or Organization

Change of Control, Structure or Organization—Number: INST.G.20.010

Processes for Seeking Approval of Change of Control, Structure or Organization—Number: INST.G.20.020

Monitoring Related to Change of Control, Structure or Organization—Number: INST.G.20.030

Accredited Change of Control Status—Number: INST.G.20.040

Chapter H: Accommodations for Severe Institutional Disruptions

Part 10: General

Responding to Emergencies and Severe Institutional Disruptions—Number: INST.H.10.010

Chapter A: HLC Obligations to Institutions and the Public

Part 10: General

Notice of Accreditation Actions, HLC Public Notices and Public Statements—Number: COMM.A.10.010

Management of HLC Records and Information—Number: COMM.A.10.020

Complaints and Other Information Regarding Member Institutions—Number: COMM.A.10.030

Chapter B: HLC Staff

Part 10: General

Staff Role and Responsibility—Number: COMM.B.10.010

Staff Authority—Number: COMM.B.10.020

External Consultation—COMM.B.10.030

Chapter C: Relationships With External Agencies

Part 10: General

Relations With Other Recognized Accrediting Agencies—Number: COMM.C.10.020

Relations With the U.S. Government, State Higher Education Agencies and Other State Offices—Number: COMM.C.10.030

Chapter A: Policies Applicable to All Peer Reviewers

Part 00: Introduction

Commitment to Peer Review—Number: PEER.A.00.000

Part 10: General

Eligibility Criteria and Selection—Number: PEER.A.10.010

Terms of Appointment and Termination of Service—Number: PEER.A.10.020

Required Training and Professional Development—Number: PEER.A.10.030

Standards of Conduct—Number: PEER.A.10.040

Peer Corps Members on HLC Evaluation Activities—Number: PEER.A.10.050

Chapter A: General

Part 10: General

Application and Regular Review of HLC Requirements and Institutional Accreditation Policies—Number: PPAR.A.10.000

Dating of Policies—Number: PPAR.A.10.010

Policy Changes

HLC’s Board of Trustees typically adopts changes to our policies and bylaws three times per year at its regularly scheduled meetings.

How HLC Makes Policy Changes

In most cases, the process for revising a policy or bylaw involves two readings by the Board that take place over the course of two meetings:

  1. Meeting 1: Proposed Change Considered for Preliminary Approval. A proposed change is considered for approval by the Board on first reading. If approved, HLC invites institutions, peer reviewers and others to submit comments on the proposal.
  2. Meeting 2: Proposed Change Considered for Final Adoption. At its next meeting, the Board considers any comments submitted before determining whether to adopt the change on second reading. Adopted changes may be effective immediately or may have a later effective date.

If a policy change is required by federal regulation or other legal mandate, the Board may adopt it on a single reading without a public comment period.

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