2024 Substantive Change Updates

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The 2024 substantive change applications are now available, along with related updates to HLC’s substantive change screening forms, processes and definitions.  

Minor changes were made to the applications and some online forms, including the Survey on Distance-Delivered Courses and Pell-Eligible Prison Education Program Screening Form. In addition, more substantial updates were made in the following areas: 

Redesigned Contractual Arrangements Screening Form 

In HLC’s Contractual Arrangement Screening Form, institutions have previously been asked to report the percentage of program credit hours taught by a contractual partner, along with some additional information depending on the percentage of credit hours being taught.  

HLC has redesigned the screening form to ask for the percentage of overall program services being provided by a contractual partner. Services may include, but are not limited to, the following:  

  • Instruction 
  • Oversight of instruction, including establishing academic qualifications for instructional personnel 
  • Curriculum design and development, including final authority for curriculum 
  • Establishment of academic requirements 
  • Assessment of student learning 
  • Program administration 

HLC provides guidance in the screening form on how the institution would determine the percentage of services provided by a contractual partner. The U.S. Department of Education has also provided guidance on how to determine the services being provided by each party

Reduced-Credit Bachelor’s Degree Application and Guidelines 

HLC is now accepting applications for approval of reduced-credit bachelor’s degree programs. A reduced-credit bachelor’s program requires less than the typical minimum program length of 120 semester hours specified in HLC’s Assumed Practices. Institutions should apply for prior HLC approval when planning to offer any new bachelor’s program in a reduced-credit format, or when planning to offer an existing program in a new reduced-credit format. 

HLC has also published guidelines for institutions and peer reviewers on evaluating reduced-credit bachelor’s degree programs in the context of HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation. The guidelines apply to institutions initially seeking to offer, and then subsequently offering, a reduced-credit bachelor’s degree program. Likewise, the guidance will inform peer reviewers evaluating an application from an institution that is seeking to offer a reduced-credit bachelor’s degree program, or evaluating an institution that is offering such programs. 

For additional details, see Substantive Change: New Educational Programs

Clarified Definitions of Additional Location, Branch Campus and Main Campus 

Per federal definitions, an institution’s additional locations and campuses must be “within the same ownership structure of the institution.” HLC has updated our definitions of these terms to clarify that this requirement does not mean the institution must own the facility where the additional location or campus is located. Locations and campuses may be at facilities the institution does not own. For example, an additional location may be in an office building, high school, campus of another institution, or other facility. 

See HLC’s Glossary for the updated definitions of additional location, branch campus and main campus

Simplified Requirements Related to Change to Mission and Student Body 

HLC has eliminated the requirement for institutions to apply for approval of a change to their mission or student body when they offer a third program at a new degree level. Going forward, institutions should apply for HLC approval of a change to mission or student body when they are planning changes to their mission or educational objectives, or planning significant changes in the character or nature of their student body. 


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