U.S. Department of Education
HLC and C-RAC Provide Input on Negotiated Rulemaking
HLC recently sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Education regarding the Department’s Accreditation Regulatory Non-Consensus language from the recently concluded Program Integrity and Institutional Quality negotiated rulemaking session. HLC encourages its members to review HLC’s letter and the proposed regulations. (See BGD Says for more details.)
The Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC), of which HLC is a member, issued a statement after negotiated rulemaking on the importance of student achievement outcome metrics in accreditation standards . Other issues raised in the letter include concerns with the time and cost burdens for accreditors and institutions to comply with the proposed regulations.
HLC Responds to Request for Information on Developing a Student Success Award Program
The U.S. Department of Education is seeking public comments by May 28 on how to develop an award system to recognize institutions of higher education “that are supporting success across all of their students by conferring affordable credentials of value that lead to economic success while enrolling student bodies reflective of their communities—including students from underserved populations.”
HLC responded to the Request for Information (RFI) Regarding Developing a Postsecondary Student Success Award Program for Institutions of Higher Education. In its letter HLC focuses on its leadership role as a partner to propel its accredited institutions forward with a focus on outcomes and innovation. HLC encourages its members to review the RFI for possible comment.
Department Funding Opportunity
The U.S. Department of Education’s Student Support Services award application is open through July 15. The program aims “to increase the number of disadvantaged students, including low-income college students, first-generation college students, and college students with disabilities, who successfully complete a program of study at the postsecondary level.” The Department is planning to distribute up to $382 million for the awards. See Applications for New Awards; Student Support Services Program for more information.
SHEEO recently released its State Higher Education Finance report. In 2023, public higher education appropriations increased 3.7% beyond inflation resulting in per-student funding levels being up 6.7%, higher than before the Great Recession in 2008.
In May, HLC will convene a group of state partners, including higher education agencies, organizations, and system offices, to provide feedback to HLC’s Credential Lab on the initial ideas to frame quality assurance for microcredential organizations. State partners will also be invited to share their progress in the short-term credential landscape.
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Latest Issue:
BGD Says
Teach-Out, Pathway and Risk Indicator Policy Changes Adopted
New and Improved Resources for Institutions
Know Before You Go: Higher Learning 2025
Apply Now: Make Measurable Improvement With HLC’s Academies
Advocacy and Higher Education Policy Update
Students Developing Civil Dialogue Skills
Q & A With HLC’s Accreditation Systems Coordinator