View Peer Review Service Record

Peer reviewers can view a record of all institutional reviews they have been invited to or participated in during their service with HLC.

To access your service record:

  1. On the Peer Review Dashboard, scroll down to the Institutional Reviews section (below the My Tasks section). This section displays your five most recent invitations.
Institutional Reviews section on Peer Review Dashboard
  1. Click “View All” at the bottom of the in the Institutional Reviews section. This will take you to the Institutional Reviews page.
View All link in Institutional Reviews section of dashboard
  1. On the Institutional Reviews page, scroll down to see the full list of invitations and assignments, or use the search filters at the top of the page to view only specific reviews.
Institutional Reviews page
  1. In the list of reviews, hover over or click on the name of a review to see details about it. A pop-up box will appear that shows the type of evaluation, your role on the team or panel, the institution reviewed, the start date of the evaluation, and other information.
Review details pop-up window

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